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Απομάκρυνση άχρηστων αντικειμένων Garbage Agiou Ilarionos

Αναρτήθηκε πριν 8 μήνες

Περιγραφή αιτήματος:


There is a lot of plastic and other garbage in the bushes on both sides of the Agiou Ilarionos road.
Everyday LOTS of elderly and young people walk along this road in mornings and evenings.

There are absolutely NO garbage bins along the road which is part of the problem that garbage is collected on sides of the road.

Please clean the road on both sides starting from the bridge and ending to the turn to Foti Pitta road and put garbage bins as you did on bus stations to help keep this walking lane clean.



Agiou Ilarionos Ypsonas

Πορεία Αιτήματος



πριν 8 μήνες

Δημιουργήθηκε από: Piotr

Initial commit at category Απομάκρυνση άχρηστων αντικειμένων